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What Are Danger Signs Of Pregnancy? See it Here….

There are different danger signs of pregnancy. During this period, a woman has a lot of unfamiliar sensations, her body often behaves unpredictably. What are the danger signs of pregnancy? What do they say about the well-being or otherwise of a woman?

What are danger signs of pregnancy?

The most common reason for going to a doctor during pregnancy is abdominal pain, blood and watery discharge from the genital tract, severe vomiting, headache or dizziness, fever, no fetal movements, increased edema. Any of these symptoms require further evaluation and treatment.

When labor is approaching, light pulling pains in the lower abdomen are gradually replaced by regular pain sensations, which compress the entire uterus, covering the lower back and groin area. If you experience the same sharp pain, a strong tension of the uterus with local pain, girdling back pain, especially if such pain is accompanied by vomiting or bleeding, it is urgent to call an ambulance. In the presence of a scar on the uterus after cesarean section or other surgeries, the occurrence of any pain, including contractions, requires urgent expert consultation.

The same is with heartburn during pregnancy. If you experience sharp pain or burn in heart, call the ambulance as soon as possible. Contractions, repeated periodically, after 10-15 minutes – a signal that it is time to go to the hospital.

Bleeding in pregnancy

At occurrence of blood discharge at any stage of pregnancy, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor. For short periods, this may be the first sign of a threatened miscarriage or missed abortion. As pregnancy is prolonged, bleeding can report late miscarriage or beginning preterm labor.

After 37-38 weeks, heavy bleeding is most often a sign of a very dangerous complication of pregnancy – premature detachment of the placenta, fraught with a serious threat to life for the mother and child. Most often, placental abruption occurs in women with low-lying placenta, so for long periods of pregnancy, such patients require antenatal hospitalization. But sometimes detachment occurs with the normal location of the placenta.

In any case, with such a formidable complication, a minimum amount of time must pass between the appearance of bleeding and examination by a doctor to determine further tactics. Therefore, after seeing a significant amount of blood, you need to immediately call an ambulance to get to the nearest hospital as quickly as possible.

Amniotic fluid rupture

If watery discharge is detected at any time, it is also necessary to consult your doctor as soon as possible. This may be a sign of premature discharge of water. In full-term pregnancy, most often within 12 hours after the discharge of water, regular contractions begin. In the period from the amniotic fluid to the onset of labor, you need to be under the supervision of a doctor: carry out an ultrasound, regularly assess the condition of the fetus based on cardiotocogram (CTG) and the quality of flowing amniotic fluid, monitor body temperature and the development of regular labor.

In the absence of labor within 12 hours, the doctor decides on the method of labor induction, since a prolonged anhydrous period is fraught with infection of the uterus and other complications.

But the watery secretions can be masked with the genital infections, colpitis and violations of the normal flora of the vagina. In such cases, the doctor takes tests and necessarily prescribes treatment, as the infection can penetrate to the child.


A frequent complication of the second half of pregnancy is preeclampsia. It can manifest edema of varying degrees, increased blood pressure (BP), changes in urinalysis, biochemical and clinical blood tests. Increased blood pressure is sometimes accompanied by headache, especially localized in the occipital region, dizziness, the appearance of ‘dots’ before the eyes, nausea or vomiting. Any change in well-being, especially if the doctor previously identified signs of preeclampsia, requires a control measurement of blood pressure.

Sometimes a sharp deterioration in the course of preeclampsia can lead to premature delivery, since with increasing pressure not only the mother’s heart, kidneys and brain suffer, but also the blood flow to the placenta and baby drastically decreases, which can cause oxygen starvation. The task of the doctor is to detect a threat to the health of the mother or fetus and carry out the appropriate treatment or decide on the delivery tactics.

With an increased value of blood pressure and poor health, even with the constant use of drugs to reduce pressure, you must immediately call an ambulance.

Viral infections

In today’s world, it is difficult to imagine a pregnant woman living in a completely sterile space. Not all drugs used before pregnancy, are allowed during this period, therefore any manifestations of a viral infection require a consultation with a doctor.

When the temperature rises above 38 ° C or when the manifestations of the infection increase sharply: severe coughing, weakness, chills, shortness of breath; there is an urgent need to contact a multidisciplinary hospital where they can prescribe adequate and safe therapy for the child.

Fetal frequency

During pregnancy, women regularly visit an obstetrician-gynecologist, pass the necessary tests, undergo important examinations (ultrasound, CTG) and consult with representatives of various specialties. But no doctor can monitor the state of the mother and child around the clock and every day. It is very important to give information about the dangerous signs that may arise at any time during pregnancy, so that a woman can turn to a professional in time and prevent possible trouble. One of the signs of pregnancy that only the expectant mother can feel is the movement of the fetus.

With good health and adequate nutrition, the child moves at least 10 times a day. If the movement is not felt within four hours, if the child does not respond to habitual stimuli – eating, music, stroking the abdomen – you should immediately consult a doctor to listen to the fetal heartbeat, ultrasound or cardiac monitoring.

Active perturbations or the feeling of hiccups of the baby most often are not a sign of lack of oxygen. However, if it feels like the baby’s behavior is too different from the usual, you need to consult a doctor for further evaluation.

Pregnancy most often remains in the memories of women as one of the most beautiful of periods of life, filled with special meaning. With proper supervision and responsible attitude to health, you should have a problem free pregnancy.

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